Finding Consultancy Suppliers With Us

With Discover, you can use the system to find suppliers of consultancy services.

Our Opportunity Tracking Team source consultancy RFPs (known in the UK as tenders) on a daily basis before categorizing the opportunities all in one place using industry-driven keywords. This includes project management, apprenticeships, training, and many more.

Hudson Discover houses our 11 sector-specific RFP-tracking portals,

including Consultancy Tenders. You can use the system to find suppliers of consultancy services.

For example, if your business requires project management support or training services, you can find an experienced supplier in just a few clicks.

With this free account you get…

Access to hundreds of suppliers.

To easily compare suppliers for quotes & experience.

To inter-trade effectively around the UK, from one system.

Upload to multiple portals at once.

A free procurement system.

No restrictions on the quantity of projects uploaded.

Step 1

Register with Consultancy Tenders; it’s free and only takes a few minutes.

Step 2

Simply upload your project and publish.

Unsure about how to write the specification? Our team can help.
Unsure about how to write the specification? Our team can help.

Step 3

Compare project responses and find the perfect supplier.


For more information about procuring consultancy services, or for help setting up your account, please contact our Support Team.
